Advanced LinkedIn Coaching for International Careers, Freelancing & Agency Businesses.

Learn how to devolp your Personal Brand, showcase your though leadership. Attract Global International Career Recuiters. Find and retain high-ticket clients. Scale your Freelancing and Agency Business.

InstructorHammad Siddiqui

Language: English

Endorsed by Account Director LinkedIn

Imagine You Could..

☑️ Become a Brand.
☑️ Shine in the Global Recruitment Process.
☑️ Attract Board Positions, Advisory Roles.
☑️ Attract and Retain High-ticket Clients.
☑️ Scale Your Freelancing & Agency Business

Sound like a Dream? But It isn't..

.. achievable for Power LinkedIn Users in 60 Days!
Just follow the Strategies and Frameworks given in the program, Step-by- Step.

Success is Guaranteed!


Must Watch This Complete Video Before Going Ahead.

What's Inside:

Here is list of everything included in it.


Laying Strong Foundation.

Profile Optimization

  • Discover what success on LinkedIn looks like & everything you need to build solid foundation.

  • Learn DOs & DON'Ts on LinkedIn & Optimal use of 50 features to gain maximum vasibilty.
LinkedIn Profile Optimization


Creating the X Factor

Personal Branding

  • Learn to craft vibrant professional persona and every aspect to become Hero in your niche

  • Discover blueprint to choose right key words: write effective "Headlines" and "About summary" and gain maximum visibilty.


Showcasing Expertise

Content Creation

  • Crack the art of developing viral content in no-time.

  • Learn to write engaging content, build meaningful relationships, and find commercial opportunities
Content development


Creating high value Content faster

365+ Content Ideas.

  • 365+ READY-TO-USE Content Ideas & Templates for Every Professional Niche to Grow Your Profile - Generate Leads - Become Visible on LinkedIn.
Linkedin coach


Start Winning

Strategic Planning

  • Learn how to develop effective strategy to setup your LinkedIn game with actionable steps and tangible results.

  • Learn framework to build meaningful relationship, and find commertial opportunties.
LinkedIn Strategy


Building Meaningful conections

Targeted Networking

  • Learn to use LinkedIn networking tools effectively and find meaningful global connections.

  • Learn the art of targeted networking and build 1 on 1 relationship with C-Level professionals.


Getting Offers

Global Jobs

  • Discover blueprint to gain maximum visibility in LinkedIn searches and stand out in recruiters feeds.

  • Learn proven strategies to find hidden jobs and other work opportunities.

job opportunities


Getting Clients

Lead Generation Strategies For Freelancers/Agency Businesses

  •  Prepare a framework for Targeting global clients and process to improve Client acquisition rate.
  • Crack the art of creating Network for business development.
  • Discover blueprint to Increase your global reach.
  • Learn how to find hidden business leads.

Lead generation for freelancer


Building Business

Lead Generation Strategies for E-commerce Specialists

  • Discovery blueprint to Target global clients
  • Learn to find lucrative Communities that drive growth
  • Crack the art of creating Network for future business development
ECommerce leads


Getting High ROI leads

Sales Navigator (Paid Lead Generation

  • Crack A-Z of most Advanced Lead Generation tool, Sales Navigator: from finding highly qualified, high ticket prospect to driving sales
Paid Lead Generation


Special feature, Account Director at LinkedIn, Jennifer Catallo.

LinkedIn Masterminds.

  • Master every aspect of LinkedIn from Profile Creation to Lead Generation and Becoming Personal Brand
  • This Book will burst all misconception and empower you with knowledge of every aspect of this amazing platform.
Linkedin coach


Chosing right Keywords

Power Keywords

  • Power Keywords that are relevant to your skills, knowledge and experience can help your resume get attention. Collection of over 1100 resume keywords are selected after intense research. These Power Keywords are the real driver for your resume success.
Linkedin coach


LinkedIn Elites Club | Gold Standard community

Get direct mentorship from Instructor

  • Monthly live meetups for Q&A and updates
  • Direct communication with Hammad Siddiqui through Chat, guaranteed responses within 24 hours (His hourly consultancy rates are $250)
  •  Gold standard community of like-minded business professionals behind you.

Linkedin coach

Here is full curriculum 📚

  Introduction Module
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 01: Building A Solid Foundation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 02: Branding & Content Development
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 03: Crafting a Winning Strategy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 04: Experience the Power of Networking
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 05: Scaling your Freelancing & E-commerce Business
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Value-Added Q&A Recordings from Previous Live Sessions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Toolkits & Guides
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

How this Program works?

Online LinkedIn Course

Feature 1: Video Lesson

Work on Your profile as per Strategies and framework given in the lesson.

Realtime Guidance and Support

Feature 2: Chat Support

Get answers of your questions from Instructor within 24 hours as a written response or a video.

Group Chat Assistance

Feature 3: Live Q&As

Get strategic mentorship from the Instructor in live class (Atleast, One Live Q/A every month)

"From Connections to Global Opportunities"

LinkedIn optimization

Taste of what's inside.

(Demo videos)

This video will help you understand fundementals of effective networking(Principals)

This video will help you understand how to use LinkedIn effectively to build 1 on 1 relationship (Practically)

Imagine you could…

☑️ Understand how LinkedIn exactly works.
☑️ Develop your Personal Brand, effectively demonstrate your portfolio and establishing yourself as a subject matter expert.
☑️ Find & Build meaningful relationship with the people looking for Services & Product that you offer.

Get Started Now!

Let's Summarize

What will you learn?

☑️ How Linkedin® works and its algorithm.

☑️ Define your ideal customer and your value promise.

☑️ Create a personal magnetic profile.

☑️ Create a good story about yourself.

☑️ Right way to Showcase your Value (Portfolio) : Skills, Experience, Recommendations.

☑️ Discover hidden vacancies and speak directly with the person in charge of the vacancy.

☑️ Create a actionable & data driven Strategy.

☑️ Develop Your Personal Brand through Linkedin®.

What results you will get?

☑️ Generate more meaningful views on your profile.

☑️ Hight ticket Clients, Business leads.

☑️Lucrative Offers.

☑️ Better conversions.

☑️ Your customers will feel more connected to you.

☑️ You will increase your contact list  with people with the profile of your ideal client .

☑️ You will position yourself as an expert in your Niche and you will be the reference to whom to contact when they want to buy.

☑️ You will avoid the inconvenience and inefficiency of having to sell cold.

Start Receiving Global Opportunities within 60 days

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